Kata® Technology

The digital revolution in the treatment of respiratory diseases

Our digital app Kata® redefines disease management with real-time intervention and data analytics to enable the full potential of inhaled drugs and help patients better benefit from their treatment.

Did you know?


In Germany alone, more than 160 different combination preparations with MDI and DPI inhalers are approved.


Up to 90% of patients do not perform their prescribed inhalation therapy correctly. [1] [2] [3]

of patients

never receive training for their inhaler. [1] [3] [7]

Correct inhalation is the key to success in treatment.

Inhalation is much more complex than swallowing a tablet!

Source: Marcus Gloger MedCom: UK

In addition to poor adherence to therapy, uncontrolled respiratory disease is often related to improper inhalation technique. Inhaled therapies can stabilize diseases and alleviate or suppress symptoms, however, according to physicians, the drugs administered in this way are often ineffective. This is because the inhalation process, which seems so simple, is inherently fragile. The ever-changing device-drug combinations – generics as well as originators – pose challenges for both patients and medical staff.

Operating a complex mix of inhaler devices, different nominal doses, and drug combinations is a difficulty for those affected. As a result of lack of explanation and practice, many patients make mistakes in operation. However, correct inhalation is very important in many cases. Studies impressively prove that an improved handling of inhalation systems enables a significantly better therapy success. [4],[5],[6]

Kata® puts an end to treatment errors!

Using the patient’s own smartphone, Kata® trains patients to inhale correctly and helps them better benefit from their treatment.

Kata®: Easy handling, versatile application

Digital support.
For asthma, COPD and other chronic respiratory diseases requiring inhalation therapy.

Easy to use at home.
Real-time training for patients during daily use.

Customizable – no hardware needed.
Can be adapted to all inhaler types. Does not require expensive and complicated hardware component adjustments.

Connecting therapy intake to clinical outcomes.
Daily symptom and therapy records enable clinicians to make well-informed treatment decisions.

Saves HCP training time & resources.
Reports on disease progression and adherence through Kata®. Empower patients to monitor their medication and detect subtle changes.

GDPR compliant
Kata® is made in Germany. It is registered as class IIa medical device (MDR/Europe) and as class I medical device (FDA/USA).