19 May German Aerosol Therapy Symposium (DATS) 2020 now as hybrid event
Inhalation 2.0 – Knowing what enters the lungs
The German Aerosol Therapy Symposium (DATS) will enter its 22nd round on November 6-7, 2020, but this time not in a familiar way.
The DATS team has decided to offer the symposium as a hybrid event for the first time due to the latest developments of the Corona Pandemic.
The on-site participation will only be possible with a limited number of participants and with an appropriate hygiene concept.
Tickets can now be purchased both for on-site participation (Sheraton Munich Arabellapark Hotel) and online participation.
Click here to register.
Among other things, the following exciting and up-to-date topics await you:
– SARS-CoV2 – insights from 8 months of practical experience
– Artificial Intelligence (AI) and eHealth, opportunities and risks, improvements in aerosol therapy
– News from Alpha1-Antitrpysin Therapy
– Inhalation therapy and improved training in everyday life
– Aerosols in preclinical research
Click here to get to the program.
About DATS:
The German Aerosol Therapy Symposium is the scientifically based platform for presenting and discussing the latest research-based findings, technologies and trends in the field of aerosols in medicine, inhalation systems and respiratory therapy. It was initiated by Dr. Gerhard Scheuch, the founder of GS Bio-Inhalation GmbH and the former Activaero GmbH.
The DATS is an event certified by the Bavarian Medical Association. Also this year there is the possibility to acquire further CEM points. For the participation on both days 11 CME points will be awarded.
More information can be found at www.inhalation.info
As a sponsor of the German Aerosol Therapy Symposium we would be pleased to welcome you (virtually) on November 06 – 07.